Black Line Edge Fenugreek: It is an Indian herb that upgrades the sexual capacity, help the drive, testosterone level, bolster the prostate organ. In addition, this normal herb assist control with bodying weight, expel greasy mass from troublesome body parts like thigh, neck, arms and rump.Ginseng: It is an intense fixing that convey cancer prevention agent properties, limit the psychological strain, bolster the subjective level, help achieve the enduring resistance. Alongside that, this equation help evacuate oxidative pressure and free radicals. Dark Pepper: this cancer prevention agent is helpful to launch the digestion, bolster the Black Line Edge development of new cells and stifle the hunger. In addition, this room execution enhancer is strong in high charisma, sexual force with high penis size.Alongside these other fixing like L-Citrulline, Nettle, and Vitamin D that help bolster the prostate organ, take care of gonad wellbeing, increment testosterone generation, , support nitric oxide level that help direct the development of blood in sexual organs.